Friday, May 9, 2008

Stage 1 - ported from old blog 9th May 2008

Okay... I've decided to blog. At least I got somewhere I can bitch about when I am bored in office:P

I guess this is because these days I have got alot on my mind that I want to spill out. It doesn't help that these days our goverment parties are playing catch ball with each other's legacy after the previous election. Yep... looks like things are going to change around here. But did we throw out a bad apple and bought another bad one? Only time will tell.

On a side note, I've just landed myself a new job. Yeh, my absence has left most of you out there questioning my existence. Fear not, this little naughty boy is still around. This new job comes with a new perk i liked. It seems, this company starts work at 10am.... AAaaannndd.... they still finish work at 6pm!!! Makes life a little easier to like. Well bad part about the trade off is, I gotta work half day on Saturdays (there goes my weekends). I guess its the basics in life. You can't have another without losing something else(this works only for us poor people... not you rich jerks!).

A few weeks ago as I walk to the Ampang Park LRT from my office (yes, now you know where I work hurray!), I noticed some graffiti on the walls of the subway opening down to the underground station. It was just 3 simple letters... A B U. As I got closer I could see 3 words on the bottom of it. They were, Asalkan Bukan UMNO. I laugh my pants off next. I don't really play favorites between the parties, but this kinda stuff is just fucking funny. Gotta luv random graffiti. I guess people are just fed up with the corruption, lies and slander by the government. People are wishing for a government that ACTUALLY wants to help the people! Not someone who wants to get up there so he can start bringing in the cheques! I mean look at the first assembly at they had. They started arguing and refuting at each other like lil' kids. Our PM were so ashamed that he called off the Live telecast! I mean WTF?? There's is this quote by Jay Leno in one of his shows,

" Politics are actually from two words, Poly, meaning Many and Tics meaning Bloodsuckers. Together, Politics mean Many Bloodsuckers!" - Jay Leno

Oh how so true. Luv that guy.

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