Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Corrupted

Today as I checked my email, I received 2 emails from Air Asia telling me exactly the same stuff, their free seats promotion that had been launch an an unofficial 'cold war' respond to Malaysian Airline's Zero Fare promotion. I think Air Asia's going a bit way off here sending the same email twice?? Ermm.. sorry... I only have one brain and I don't need another copy...

A friend of mine today sent me a link to a movie poster. Apparently its of the new real life actors Dragon Ball movie that is in production. Now, we all heard that its in production and have not seen anything. I think we were better off that way. Now that I've seen the poster... I'm having my doubts... :P If you click and enlarge the picture, you can see who Chow Yun Fatt will be. Yup! That horny old man??!?! That was what my reaction happened to be when I saw it. Oh well... I guess he probably fits the role well. Looks like from this poster, there are 2 Japanese female actress and 1 English actors and 1 Chinese actor, chances are the movie will come in 3 different languages, So fret not my friends. I'm guessing this movie is going to be mostly shot behind a green screen. Bring back memories when we first watch the movie Storm Riders. CG would probably be much better now, times have changed. Oh well, I am not holding my breath on this one, but it will be interesting if they managed to pull it off. Kudos to them for trying!

Today the news reports of an Indian girl who was denied scholarship by PSD (no... not Photo Shop Data.... its Public Service Department) even when she has attained the 10As in her SPM exam. This would have meant nothing if not for the fact that PSD had issued a statement recently guaranteeing scholarships for students who scored 9As in their SPM. Here's the part where you go... "aaaaAAAHHhh......". Now I don't about anyone else who reads this, but don't your mind just suddenly think " its another money-under-the-table thing again...". Come on... here's a girl who has scored 10As in SPM when PSD said that they will award 9A scorers a scholarship! She's well qualified and isn't 10As are better than 9As. The question people will be asking is, Did PSD decided not to give her scholarship because she was an Indian, a 'minority' race and not a Malay or Bumiputera?? Wouldn't this be like a big GREEN LIGHT for the ANTI CORRUPTION AGENCY??? Stop hogging all about in the Lingam case already! There are other bigger fishes to fry! I'm making a guess that tomorrow their will be an article by PSD saying its a mistake by their computer or person made a typo... so an so.. etc damage control.

Other interesting news on
The Star is: Sex Education is going the be taught in NS (National Service). Wow... i mean wow... shouldn't that like be taught in schools? Not in a boot camp? Shouldn't the kids at National Service be taught self defense? survival? Or am I just mistaken about the whole 'army-uniformed-camp-style' boot camp? Kids could have googled that up on the internet or something! On other news, BN (Barisan National) party leaders are urged to be more multi-racial thinking. Yeps.... no more keris waving please... thank you.

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