Looks like I'll have to purge any plans till July. Apparently I was given an ultimatum last night to look for a new place to bunk my hide. Well, it actually doesn't sound that way, one of my house mate told me that she'll be going to Singapore to work as I guess her new job finally found a slot to transfer her over. Anyways, told me it'll be on July and that the other 3rd house mate has no plans yet (but honestly, I have a grave feeling everyones moving out. Things aren't all 'braddy bunch' around here, but thats another tale for another time). Well thats pretty much the highlight of this month. Last month was Job hunting, this month is going to be Home Hunting. Thats my life. Life's a bitch and then you die.
Today As I viewed the news on The Star's online website, there was a news following up the Lingam case. Apparently, but unfortunately for him, the Royal Commission Inquiry has come to a conclusion(after so many moons) that the video is authentic( I bet you 10 bucks an 8 year old kid can do that in 5 mins!). Honestly... took them that long? I guess they must have really believed Lingam when he said - " It looks like me and talks like me, but I don't really think it's me...". I mean come on... wtf kind of defense was that? The video purely shows his face and voice... and here he goes saying it looks like him and talks like him but it might not be him? WoW... either the juries all have bad eyesight or they're playing a pirated VCD version of the video that is so badly recorded that you can't see or hear Jack shit on it! So boys and girls... remember now, if you're ever caught for a crime on video... just say " It looks like me, and talks like me, but I don't really think it's me!"
Another piece of news that caught my eye was that DAP leaders calling to suspend the country's infamous 3 month National Service. I say HELL YA! About time someone suggested that! It took them almost 20 deaths to realized that??? Honestly after more than 5 death that should at least raised an eye that 'dude.. this shit just ain't working...' I think the smart parents by now rather pay high price to doctors so that their sons and daughters can be declared 'unfit' for NS! Its like sending your child to a death trap obstacle course!(or a Spartan training camp hehe). I hope this gets through to the government. The NS is just too damn short(3 months) to make any difference to any kid as opposed to Singapore's NS which is 2 years(correct me if I'm wrong). Its more like a honey pot to feed someone else' pocket! Anyways, again, I do hope it is decided to either stop it or make it better and full proof (I opt for the 1st choice really...). I just don't want to see my friend's kids or younger siblings coming back in a body bag.
Anyways, thats it for now in this early morning. I'll leave you with this clip of Jay Leno, promised to leave you laughing your heads off!
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