Monday, May 26, 2008
The World Is Not Enough
1. A China-Man company tracks where and when you get to work, and maybe how too!
A china-man company will track you as much as they can and however they can! You will get this hint when the day at your first interview the boss ask, "How do you get to work?" or " How long does it takes for you to get here?". These are clear signs that THAT company is a china-man style company! The usual method they track our entry and exit is with an electronic tag card. Though you may say, this is a way for the company to track your working hours so as to correctly sum up your pay at the end of the month. Yes and No. I would agree this is a good way to provide an accurate figure for the accounts department, but if your company also uses it in every door in the office, then it's, I'm afraid, a china-man style company. The only reason they have it in almost every freaking door is to track where you have been to, and that my friends, are one paranoid company. Its more oblivious when they have a memo about it to every employee.
2. A China-Man company has CCTV cameras almost everywhere in the office.
Yup! This is very much true and is used to support the system above. A company that has a surplus of CCTV cameras inside staff space is just ... well freaking paranoid and insecure. Signs of this is when you see CCTV cameras in every corridor of the office and especially in front of the manager's / CEO office door. I guess personal secretaries are also not trusted here. If you find even your own personal office has a CCTV camera (like mine now), then its a bingo clear sign that you are in a china-man style company. Honestly... WTF?? CCTV in every corner and office rooms?? You rather spend tons of cash on those than on employee benefits?? You don't trust your employees that much? Or do you just believe everyone is conspiring against you?? It gets better when your own Manager /CEO's office is where the CCTV monitors are so that he/she can view it anytime he/she wishes. That my friend... is 100% china-man style company.
3. A China-Man company will try their best to hire the cheapest labor that can do the most work.
This is the most common and the No. 1 sign that a company is china-man style. Apparently these cheap ass china-man companies will try their best to employ the cheapest personnel and expects them to be multi-talented. It's as if they think somehow everyone is multi-talented and the job specs of every individual is just blur and unseen by them. A person who is a Accountant to them can be an Admin, or Secretary, or Courier. A Marketing Executive to them can be HR Executive, Salesman or IT Consultant. A Graphic Designer to them can be a Copywriter, an Audio & Visual Editor, Webmaster, Programmer and best of all (from personal experience) a 3D Modeler. This is very true, and if you're really overworked and underpaid... there is a high chance you are in a china-man company. It's as if a person goes through life studying every profession on the planet! To them there is no job specifications, just the Employer and the Employee.
As you can see from above, a china-man company rules with an iron fist and this is as evil as it can get. They will drain you of every single working sweat before getting rid of you. You will end up having no life. You will wonder why your bosses are walking and driving around in luxury while you who worked for 15 years still uses the the subway to work. Be aware now and get out! Don't be fooled by their lies and treachery. Get out now while you are still alive and young!
This ends today's Public Message.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Ignorance is Stupidity
I think I'm gona grow lots of white hair soon... There's just too many incompetent people around lately.
Something for Young Junior Fresh Grad Designers Out There!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Truth is Out There
Anyways, papers today boast PM's visit to a Buddhist temple. Not sure if this is some sort of publicity stunt, but I bet you'll never catch any of them going to a christian church! Anyways there was a response today on The Star by PSD (Public Service Department) to the article of the Indian student who scored 10As and was not qualified for a scholarship. Apparently PSD claims that the scholarships are limited and every year students have to compete and be the best to get them. WAIT THE MINUTE! Didn't they said that all students who scored 9As and above in their SPM would be guaranteed a scholarship??? Aaaii.... this is not right... hmm... dodgy....
Today's newspaper reports of another child rape case. WTF's wrong with these people?!?! Today MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu requested RM 300 million funds to help the Indians. He said the funds will be used to help the poor Indians. Wait! Did he meant Indian or Indians with an 'S' ?? If it was me I wont give him the fund unless he gives me a plan of proposal on how the funds will be used. THe guy's SAMY VELLU! He's like a walking sign that says " DON'T TRUST ME! ". Why is he even still the president of MIC is beyond my comprehension.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Fight the Future
Today my junior designer asked, " what does it mean when it is writen Johor Darul Ta'zim? Is it the Johor state or something?" My heart skipped a beat. And what more, the kid's from Johor!!! WTF?!?! You're from Johor and you don't even know thats the full name of Johor state??? I am dumbfounded. How ignorant can you get??!?! I was so tempted to ask, 'do you know KL stands for Kuala Lumpur?'
I am shellshocked... Imma take a rest :P
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Good, The Bad & The Corrupted
Today the news reports of an Indian girl who was denied scholarship by PSD (no... not Photo Shop Data.... its Public Service Department) even when she has attained the 10As in her SPM exam. This would have meant nothing if not for the fact that PSD had issued a statement recently guaranteeing scholarships for students who scored 9As in their SPM. Here's the part where you go... "aaaaAAAHHhh......". Now I don't about anyone else who reads this, but don't your mind just suddenly think " its another money-under-the-table thing again...". Come on... here's a girl who has scored 10As in SPM when PSD said that they will award 9A scorers a scholarship! She's well qualified and isn't 10As are better than 9As. The question people will be asking is, Did PSD decided not to give her scholarship because she was an Indian, a 'minority' race and not a Malay or Bumiputera?? Wouldn't this be like a big GREEN LIGHT for the ANTI CORRUPTION AGENCY??? Stop hogging all about in the Lingam case already! There are other bigger fishes to fry! I'm making a guess that tomorrow their will be an article by PSD saying its a mistake by their computer or person made a typo... so an so.. etc damage control.
Other interesting news on The Star is: Sex Education is going the be taught in NS (National Service). Wow... i mean wow... shouldn't that like be taught in schools? Not in a boot camp? Shouldn't the kids at National Service be taught self defense? survival? Or am I just mistaken about the whole 'army-uniformed-camp-style' boot camp? Kids could have googled that up on the internet or something! On other news, BN (Barisan National) party leaders are urged to be more multi-racial thinking. Yeps.... no more keris waving please... thank you.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Riding the Waves
Today was pretty busy in the office. I managed to stray from my work and surf the web a bit and went to Wikipedia, did a wiki on Uwe Boll. Yup! the infamous games-to-movie director! Everytime you watch a movie with his company logo appearing should be like a bio hazard warning to stay away! I just don't see why this guy is still making movies! Doesn't he know he just plainly suck?!?! He approach Blizzard and asked them to buy the rights to make Warcraft's movie to which they replied - "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you... especially not to you". WTF is wrong with UWE BOLL?!?!? As if Blizzard will sell the rights ever to him! Everyone should boycott him making any more games' movie adaptation! I found a website where everyone is petitioning for him to stop making movies. The Guardian newspaper ran an article claiming Boll had promised to retire if an online petition at asking him to do so received 1,000,000 signatures. I've signed so must you! Everyone in the whole world must sign it! End the horror of Uwe Boll! I've decided to add the link to it on this blog site of mine. Anyways, even if you don't feel like signing it, you should go there and read the comments left by petitioners. Its just so fucking funny! Pretty entertaining too!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Event Horizon
Looks like Air Asia came through with their promise to 'head butt' with MAS (Malaysian Airlines) on 'who-has-the-cheapest-fair' promotion. It seems these bitter brothers will forever try to outwit each other in the business. Why can't they just work together? Can't they just play nice and get along? Don't they know all this is making them look bad on the papers especially MAS, an elegant international carrier that prides with their service and dare I say, hot air stewardess. Datuk Tony Fernandes said that the Air Asia's latest promotion to counter MAS' latest zero cost promotion means that the airline (Air Asia) knows what travellers want. Erm... honestly, I don't know about anybody else but, I DONT WANT TO PAY FOR HAVING MY LUGGAGE CHECKED INTO THE PLANE! NOR DO I WANT TO PAY EXTREMELY INFLATED PRICES FOR A SIMPLE MINERAL WATER OR SANDWICH ON THE PLANE! Honestly like my friend said, here is one side, MAS offering zero fare tickets, travellers only need to pay for fuel and airport tax. While on the other side, Air Asia has their latest 'sub zero' promotion, having same as MAS, travellers only need to pay for fuel and airport tax. A little extra is that they will give a RM 5 discount on fuel surcharge. Honestly, if you were to think about it, even though there is an RM 5 discount for Air Asia's package, WHO THE FUCK CARES?? This being because if we just pay a little more for MAS tickets, we can enjoy luxurious seats, service and my favourite, we DON'T NEED TO PAY FOR OUR FOOD! Honestly, if we were to pay for the same amount of good food we get when we fly with Air Asia, the ticket price is probably going to be the same or higher. Oh well on the good side, due to this open battle between these two airlines, we get at least 3 million plus seats of zero fare this year! WTF are you waiting for??? Book now!
Anyways... gotta end here now. Work in office needs to be done. Tonight gona go watch Ironman finally! Can't wait to see 'Nigga' Fury! You asked why I called this character Nigga Fury? Well originally in Marvel comics Nick Fury was WHITE DUDE! Then when they came out with a reboot in the marvel universe under the name Ultimate (Ultimate X-men, Ultimate Spider-man, etc...) they decided to change Nick Fury to a black African American. Reason? He looks cooler as a black dude... and I agree! Plus, when they created him for the Ultimate universe, Nick Fury was modeled after actor Samuel L. Jackson! So! as you can see, they've actually got Samuel L. Jackson to play the cameo part! Yep... I get excited easily over small things... :D
Friday, May 9, 2008
Day of days - port from old blog 10th May 2008
Looks like I'll have to purge any plans till July. Apparently I was given an ultimatum last night to look for a new place to bunk my hide. Well, it actually doesn't sound that way, one of my house mate told me that she'll be going to Singapore to work as I guess her new job finally found a slot to transfer her over. Anyways, told me it'll be on July and that the other 3rd house mate has no plans yet (but honestly, I have a grave feeling everyones moving out. Things aren't all 'braddy bunch' around here, but thats another tale for another time). Well thats pretty much the highlight of this month. Last month was Job hunting, this month is going to be Home Hunting. Thats my life. Life's a bitch and then you die.
Today As I viewed the news on The Star's online website, there was a news following up the Lingam case. Apparently, but unfortunately for him, the Royal Commission Inquiry has come to a conclusion(after so many moons) that the video is authentic( I bet you 10 bucks an 8 year old kid can do that in 5 mins!). Honestly... took them that long? I guess they must have really believed Lingam when he said - " It looks like me and talks like me, but I don't really think it's me...". I mean come on... wtf kind of defense was that? The video purely shows his face and voice... and here he goes saying it looks like him and talks like him but it might not be him? WoW... either the juries all have bad eyesight or they're playing a pirated VCD version of the video that is so badly recorded that you can't see or hear Jack shit on it! So boys and girls... remember now, if you're ever caught for a crime on video... just say " It looks like me, and talks like me, but I don't really think it's me!"
Another piece of news that caught my eye was that DAP leaders calling to suspend the country's infamous 3 month National Service. I say HELL YA! About time someone suggested that! It took them almost 20 deaths to realized that??? Honestly after more than 5 death that should at least raised an eye that 'dude.. this shit just ain't working...' I think the smart parents by now rather pay high price to doctors so that their sons and daughters can be declared 'unfit' for NS! Its like sending your child to a death trap obstacle course!(or a Spartan training camp hehe). I hope this gets through to the government. The NS is just too damn short(3 months) to make any difference to any kid as opposed to Singapore's NS which is 2 years(correct me if I'm wrong). Its more like a honey pot to feed someone else' pocket! Anyways, again, I do hope it is decided to either stop it or make it better and full proof (I opt for the 1st choice really...). I just don't want to see my friend's kids or younger siblings coming back in a body bag.
Anyways, thats it for now in this early morning. I'll leave you with this clip of Jay Leno, promised to leave you laughing your heads off!
Stage 1 - ported from old blog 9th May 2008
Okay... I've decided to blog. At least I got somewhere I can bitch about when I am bored in office:P
I guess this is because these days I have got alot on my mind that I want to spill out. It doesn't help that these days our goverment parties are playing catch ball with each other's legacy after the previous election. Yep... looks like things are going to change around here. But did we throw out a bad apple and bought another bad one? Only time will tell.
On a side note, I've just landed myself a new job. Yeh, my absence has left most of you out there questioning my existence. Fear not, this little naughty boy is still around. This new job comes with a new perk i liked. It seems, this company starts work at 10am.... AAaaannndd.... they still finish work at 6pm!!! Makes life a little easier to like. Well bad part about the trade off is, I gotta work half day on Saturdays (there goes my weekends). I guess its the basics in life. You can't have another without losing something else(this works only for us poor people... not you rich jerks!).
A few weeks ago as I walk to the Ampang Park LRT from my office (yes, now you know where I work hurray!), I noticed some graffiti on the walls of the subway opening down to the underground station. It was just 3 simple letters... A B U. As I got closer I could see 3 words on the bottom of it. They were, Asalkan Bukan UMNO. I laugh my pants off next. I don't really play favorites between the parties, but this kinda stuff is just fucking funny. Gotta luv random graffiti. I guess people are just fed up with the corruption, lies and slander by the government. People are wishing for a government that ACTUALLY wants to help the people! Not someone who wants to get up there so he can start bringing in the cheques! I mean look at the first assembly at they had. They started arguing and refuting at each other like lil' kids. Our PM were so ashamed that he called off the Live telecast! I mean WTF?? There's is this quote by Jay Leno in one of his shows,
" Politics are actually from two words, Poly, meaning Many and Tics meaning Bloodsuckers. Together, Politics mean Many Bloodsuckers!" - Jay Leno
Oh how so true. Luv that guy.
Open Minds Initiative - Genesis
Why Open Minds Initiative? Well lets just say what I intend to post in my blog are probably on issues that seemed too ignorant for some to take seriously. Be it on my country or the world.
Well this is a short introduction. Nothing much to say in intros, my blogs will speak for me :P
happy readings.